Juan Heisman Tailgate – Taylor Family

I decided to create a separate post just for the many photos from the day with my grandchildren and some of my kids.  It was a very special day for me.  I am grateful for my blessings.

Helen Kate.  My heart …

Lottie & Helen Kate.  Lottie is working hard on her Hook Em Horns.

TCT, Peter Alan Dean, Micah Charles Dean, and David Buck Edelman

Chula, Papa & Lottie, Micah, Peter, and Aunt Bunny

In case you were wondering what I will be giving thanks for on Thanksgiving!

Mark and Kathyrn Dean, TCT with Lottie Fleming, Micah and Peter Dean, Aunt Bunny with Helen Kate Dean, and Parker Fleming.

Claudia Anne Taylor and Charlotte Anne Fleming.

And then it was game time.

Quite an experience in DKR with the kids.  A fun and wonderful experience.

Micah feeding Lottie some frozen lemonade.

It was a hit!


We ate all the popcorn!

God Bless Texas

God Bless America

Dios y Tejas,

Tim Taylor

Member, Football Writers Association of America

Tailgating before Home Football Games
The Juan Heisman Tailgate
Lot 38, East of Sid Richardson Hall

The Austin Horns Fan Dispatch

Vol. XXI, No. 13A

© Timothy C. Taylor, Sr. 2024.  All Rights Reserved (as to original material).



On Twitter:  @tctayloratx

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and:  www.Facebook.com/Juan.Heisman

You can contact me by mail:

Tim Taylor
P.O. Box 5371
Austin, Texas  78763-5371